Uranium Backup Professional

Provide the best service to your customers with the subscription for the centralized management of your Uranium Backup clients on Supremo Console

Take your data protection to the next level


Client management

Devices monitoring

Backups status and hystory

Backups reports



Client management

In an increasingly complex IT environment, a unified client management interface allows you to reduce the complexity of your work. Create specific groups and connect your Uranium Backup and Supremo customers to avoid any hassle or unnecessary waste of time.


You will know when every single endpoint is online, offline, or logged out. In addition, Uranium Backup Professional allows you to directly update the Uranium Backup clients that are not updated to the latest available version. Having problems with the hardware? Connect remotely through Supremo and resolve them in just a few seconds.


Check the status of each backup and verify the date and time it was last performed. You can configure and schedule an email report to keep you informed. If the connected clients have the Uranium Backup service enabled, you can start the backup sets manually. Chronology Backup allows you to view all backups in chronological order.

Reports and notifications

A powerful reporting systems gives you all the information related to the backup programs and their successful execution. You can also receive a summary of the results of your backups by email and schedule the time of sending.

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