4. Configuring a hyper-v virtual machine backup

Feature available in Uranium Backup Pro Virtual and Gold editions.

Since version 8.9.5 Uranium can perform backups of virtual machines running on Hyper-V hosts. A strongly requested feature thanks to the growing adoption of the Microsoft virtualization platform.

In this tutorial we’ll explain how to configure Uranium to perform the operation, supported on Windows Server 2008 R22012 and 2012 R2

The first step is to create a new backup set:

Then click on Click here to add a backup of Hyper-V virtual machines:

If Hyper-V is installed on the local machine, the VM list will populate itself. Otherwise (like in this example), you need to specify the IP of the Hyper-V server and click on Connect:

Specify the access credentials of an administrator (of the Hyper-V server) and click Apply:

Select from the VM list the virtual machines and the disks you want to back up. Then specify the backup destination:

The configuration is complete! You’re ready to run your first backup!